Tuesday, August 11, 2009

São Paulo versus Rio de Janeiro

São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro have a lot in common. They are the two biggest cities in Brazil, they both have states named after them, and they are only a one hour plane ride of a six hour bus ride away from each other. But they are also suprisingly different.

People from São Paulo (Paulistas) and people from Rio (Cariocas) generally dislike each other. Cariocas say that Paulistas are far too serious and live only to work, while Paulistas scorn the "lazy" Carioca´s inefficient way of life. In Rio, upon greeting you kiss a person on both cheeks. In São Paulo you only kiss on one cheek because it is more efficient that way. Paulistas and Cariocas also have very different accents, with Paulistas generally being much easier for Americans to understand. And the cities themselves are quite different. Rio is characterized by natural beauty (beautiful beaches, lush mountains, Lagoa, forests, etc.), while São Paulo is more cosmopolitan. Cariocas call São Paulo a "big dirty city" while Paulistas insist that their city is richer and they live a much better life than those in Rio de Janeiro.

They are both right in their judgements, but I think that they fail to see that what they hate about the other city is exactly what their own city lacks. As it is, the debate will always continue as to which city is better. I prefer Rio de Janeiro, but many of my friends, if they were to come back to live, would chose São Paulo.

If you have been to these cities, which do you like best?

1 comment:

  1. I've been to both cities... The comments made above are true. If I had to make a living and need people with money I would live and work in Sao Paulo. If I want to enjoy life and have fun... The state of RIO would be my choice... The women in RIO are better looking..:) It seems like two different cultures... people in Sao Paolo are too serious... always working and rushing everything. Life slows down in Rio... its much more relaxing.
