Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dear Diary, Entry 1

Dear Diary,

Today I found the gay part of town. Yay! Felix (the Canadian) had a bar in mind and we ended up at a gay bar instead. My gaydar has diminished since I left Austin. I see a man with spiked bands on his arms and I think, "Hmm, that's a strange fashion statement."

Oh, Diary, you'll be pleased to hear that I finally joined a gang. Max, Felix, Steinar and I are going to get AK 47s, squirt guns, and nuclear weapons (small ones) to search and destroy the whales in Norway that barge into peoples' houses. Those whales don't stand a chance now.

Did I tell you about my german friend Max? His full name is Maximillian Wilhelm Augosto Bach Jokowski... he won't tell me his full name because he's a loser and he knows this will be on the internet. But he has like 7 or 8 names. He doesn't even remember them all, and on his passport some of them are abbreviated because there isn't enough room. He's actually a cool guy even though I just called him a loser, just so you know. He likes eating desserts.

Hey Diary do you know about that Indiana Jones poster that has a skeleton head dressed up like Indie instead of Shia or Harrison Ford? Today two different people confirmed that he is a skeleton because he died while flipping through the channels on the television. So now we know.

Yana (Russian girl) is in love with acai. We are all afraid that she is addicted and is going to wake up at 3 in the morning and not be able to eat it and then murder us. I guess it doesn't make sense, but we all worry nonetheless. I will sleep with a squirt gun under the pillow just in case (plus, you never know about those whales).

I had melted chocolate for desert. While eating I learned that Max flew in an airplane over Rio and Ilha Grande today and didn't tell any of us. Silly Max!

Here's a conversation I had today that I found funny.

Me- "I want some alone time."
Steinar- "You live in a hostel. Are you sure that exists?"
Me- "Well you know I'm not sure anymore. But I will go looking for it nonetheless."
Max- "Oh well if you do find it, let us know. We'll come along!"

Isn't that funny, Diary?

I have three phrases I want to learn in portuguese this week. They are as follows.

"Can I pet your dog?"
"What is it's name?" (Cual e o nome dele/dela?)
"Oh, it's so cute!"

Those phrases would make me and the dogs very happy.

Well, that's all for now Diary!


1 comment:

  1. Great Entry! I'm preparing for the whales too.
