Monday, July 13, 2009

Kisses and Customs

Matteo- "Have you kissed your first Brazilian yet?"

"No, not yet."

Matteo- "Well don't worry. You are a very beautiful girl and I am sure that soon you will kiss one."

"Oh, no, It's not like that! The men here are very forward and I have had many offers. Just in my culture, we do not kiss people at random. Even the kissing of cheeks as a greeting that they do here is very very strange to me."

Rodrigo (pronounced Hodge-hi-gu)- "Wait. You mean you don't kiss when greeting in the United States?"

"No, not at all!"

Rodrigo- "Wait, then what do you do? Do you at least kiss on the forehead?

"Only if you're really good friends, and that's pretty uncommon."

(Ridrigo kisses me on the forehead) "You never do that there with your friends? Here we kiss on the lips sometimes when greeting a friend!"

"Oh my!"

(Everyone laughs at my response)

Twenty minutes pass, much of it spent talking to Rodrigo and the others outside. Rodrigo gets up to go and then leans over to kiss my cheek. I am not expecting it and freak out and realize that I don't know whether or not to kiss his cheek or kiss the air beside his cheek but I think he kissed my cheek so I decide to kiss his cheek but I miss and kiss his ear.

Everyone laughs again, this time raucously.

Oh, my life.

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